Jade Life And Wellness Academy

Dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential in all aspects of your life

Grow With The Academy

Customized Learning Journeys

Scroll down to find our more about our masterclasses and workshops that can be crafted around your schedule.

Professional Coaching Courses

If you are considering becoming a professional life or health coach, click the button above to find out more.


For business mentoring contact us here.

Customized Learning Journeys

Are you ready to take control of your health and wellness to transform your life?

We believe that everyone deserves to feel their best, and we're here to help you unlock your full potential.

Whether you are a leader, team member or a parent, we have created short workshops to fit efficiently in your busy schedule.

See our full menu below and choose your own adventure.

Power hour sessions are for busy professionals looking for coaching and mentorship on their leadership skills.

Power Hour Sessions

  • Payment methods via PayNow, Bank Transfer or Cash

  • 1A. Preventing burnout

    1B. Suicide awareness in the workspace

    1C. How to mentor the mentor.

  • Busy professionals looking for short but meaningful sessions to improve their leadership skills

Team building workshops are for teams looking to upskill themselves through coaching and mentorship.

Team Building Workshops

  • Price per person

    A minimum of 2 participants is required

  • 2A. Optimising workplace mental health

    2B. ⁠Optimising team dynamics

    2C. ⁠Communicating Clearly

  • Suitable for teams from industries including early childhood development, healthcare workers, PR & MarComm, HR and finance.

Sign-Up Form

Parenting workshops are for busy parents looking for resources from coaching and mentorship.

Parenting Workshops

  • Payment via PayNow, Bank Transfer or Cash

  • 3A. Parenting in a digital age

    3B. ⁠How to not fall apart

    3C. ⁠Communicating effectively with your child

  • Busy parents seeking resources and advice from subject matter experts